What's inside Contact Point Ambassador Course ?

In this course, I cover everything from the very basics of matrix division to  advanced matrix adaptation, my TeflonFloss technique, Matrix Selection System and Active Profile Changer technique.

 The curriculum currently consists of over 25 lectures and I add new videos every 2 months to keep the learning relevant and up-to-date.

Updated Matrix Selection System
With this know method you will always choose the best possible matrix for every case. This will give you beautiful profile of the filling and contact point in appropriate place. 

TeflonFloss Technique

Unique wedge that will solve your problems with matrix adaptation and give you a lot of new possibilities : like APC ( active profile changer ), 2 wedges in the same time, easy placement...

Gold Ring

Have you ever had a problem with too weak separation effect on the ring ? In this course I will show you how to construct the unique ring with unlimited separation force. There is no such ring on the market and you will create it by yourself.

Customization strategies

How to reduce the profile of the matrix ? Which tool to you use to cut metal and celluloid matrices ? How to customize a wedge ?

Matrix Adaptation Strategies

Matrix adaptaion strategies using different techniques in different clinical situations.

Problem Solving

How to avoid problems during matrix adaptation in DME cases.

Start the journey with Contact Points Ambassador

This course will change your way of doing restorative dentistry

Pasquale Venuti about the Contact Points Ambassador

Dr. Jasneet Singh Gulati

Contact Points made Predictable .

Solid Contact points are the foundation of daily restorative Dentistry - Maciek's course is brilliantly put together to help you with every detail to get predictability in every contact point.

Maciek already taught me that there is no best matrix band for every scenario - I was blown away by how he broke down the different components (matrix, wedge, ring) to an anatomical restoration and how to achieve the best combination in a number of different real-world scenarios.

I think it's great that Maciek shares failures with us - but also the huge success of the Golden Ring and Teflon Floss which I am so excited to use on Monday morning.

What's even better is the ability to watch and rewatch certain parts. Thank you Maciek for putting this resource together

dr Chu John

Dr. Chu John

It's the most detailed online course about Class 2 restorations, including how to trim the matrix, and special edging techniques, the step by step, Dr Czerkwinski will guide you through the process, then you will have no 2nd thoughts to apply his principles to every cases.

Great job!

Dentist Maciej Pieńkowski

Kurs imponujący techniczną wiedzą o konstruowaniu wypełnień. Bardzo dużo trików, które zmieniają podejście do pracy z matrycami, klinami i pierścieniami. Bardzo ciekawe podejście do wykorzystywania teflonu, technika teflon flos – mega!

Kurs, który wywrócił moją dotychczasową technikę pracy przy tworzeniu perfekcyjnych „contakt points”.

Esencja wiedzy podana w bardzo przejrzysty i usystematyzowany sposób. Do tego piękne zdjęcia i filmy pokazujące przypadki kliniczne z wykorzystaniem danych rozwiązań w praktyce, w sposób jasny i przejrzysty.

Wspaniamy pomysł na zrobienie kursu online, który można odsłuchać w dowolny momencie, bez pośpiechu, w szybki sposób można powrócić do danego zagadania.

Polecam ten kurs zarówno dla starych „wyjadaczy” jak i dla młodych lekarzy zaczynających swoją przygodę z tworzeniem perfekcyjnych punktów stycznych.

Hi, I’m Maciej Czerwiński

I graduated from the Poznan University of Medical Sciences in 2008 and since 2010 have worked as the Principal Dentist at my private practice in Torun, central Poland.

In 2017 I started the Success Stairs.Microscope Dentistry Facebook group that concentrates on Microscope based restorative dentistry and how to apply the Success Stairs sequence to our daily practice.

Although I make my living providing restorative dentistry in general practice, I also provide hands on training to help other dentists learn the techniques that help me on a daily basis.  

I am passionate about predictable dentistry and believe that photography has a huge part to play in this. As part of my courses I show dentists how to take photographs that highlight the beauty of their work and help them market their skills to other patients.